Game 32: USF in the Tourny



This was a good win over a team that has been better this season (USF 152 NET vs ECU 208 NET) and has more talent IMO.  If this doesn't end Brian Gregory's tenure I don't know what does. He's their Lebo lifetime contract guy and getting paid Top 80th highest in the nation for those results. 

I think if Dooley coached this same ECU team it would have been 270th. Clearly, Schwartz can coach, and get effort.  He can make adjustments and get a lot out of what he has. The rotations mostly make sense. I see no mind-numbing Mo Kemp, Akeem Richmond, or LeDay on the bench behind scrubs.

It's all going to come down to his recruiting and retention and well probably know in 50 days about all of that. There are still massive question marks there to me,  but I like the formula to succeed much better though. 

ECU should be able to dumb luck into a certain level of player, and a good coach can figure out how to max that talent at least I think Schwartz has shown he can do that part. This game was the latest example that there is more good than bad on that front.

Winning this game should help retain the players that matter. Its a positive. I think it also keeps the CBI alive even at 16-17 with a loss to Houston. I think you go ahead and play it and try to win it or go for a winning season. As pointed out before basically anyone can play if they got the cash. Losing record teams and lower NET rankings than, ECU will have and probably will again this year. They should do it.

If the part about contacting BJ Mack is true maybe his stated position on transfers is evolving some at least. That's really going to be the be the total key IMO. ECU still is ranked 200+ and needs proven upgrades even if they retain the good players on this team.


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